© The Estate Of Dorothy Iannone, courtesy Air de Paris, Romainville and Peres Projects, Berlin
The Berlin Beauties Or You Have No Idea How Beautiful You Are, Berlin, 1978
The Estate Of Dorothy Iannone, courtesy Air de Paris, Romainville and Peres Projects, Berlin
Artist Book , 20.5 x 24.5 cm
69 pages + cover

“I first wrote the entire text of The Berlin Beauties as a series of title pages, and only immediately after decided to combine them with images. For the series of large paintings of erotic scenes from 1969-1972, I intended at first to visually represent the erotic attitudes or impulses in a close relationship, and I made a silkscreen print of ten small scenes expressing this idea and including as part of the painting a line or two of dialogue.”

Dorothy Iannone, from Trinie Dalton I’m still Game: Dorothy Iannone, Paris, LA, Issue 4, Summer 2010