This website serves as an extension of the exhibition Love Is Forever, Isn't It? ( 6 Oct 2023 – 21 Jan 2024) that presents one of the most comprehensive surveys of Dorothy Iannone's prolific body of work, to be showcased at M HKA, Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp.

The platform is realized with


Artist: Dorothy Iannone
Accompanied works: Sarah Pucci and Dieter Roth
Curator: Joanna Zielińska
Exhibition design: Matosek/Niezgoda
Production coordinator: Lode Geens
Technical coordinator: Georges Uittenhout
Technical team: Jurgen Addiers, Leen Bosch, Sergej Culumarevic, Kris Cuylits, Jonas De Decker, Liesbet Grupping, Hughe Lanoote, Bart Prinsen, Peter Simpson, Jochem vanden Ecker, Thomas Willemen, Eleanor Wright, Barbora Zilinskaite 
Wall painting: Jurgen Addiers, Billie Andriessens
Sound work: Ludo Engels
Conservation: Frederika Huys, An Jacquemain
Facility management: Fadil Ayoujil, Abdel Hasnaoui
Hospitality: Olcay Bakir, Katrien Batens, Martine Delzenne, Maia Elena Daley, Dirk Dumoulin, Mohammed Hameed, Eric Hellemans, Joris Kestens, Danny Kortleven, Riyadh Shakir, Milan Van Oosten, Lutgarde Van Renterghem and all M HKA hosts and guides
Mediation: Piet Van Hecke
Texts: Dorothy Iannone, Piet Van Hecke, Ekaterina Vorontsova, Joanna Zielińska Evi Bert, Ekaterina Vorontsova
Communication: Bert De Vlegelaer, Madiken Verboven, Karen Werkhoven
Graphic design: Pauline Scharmann
Press Communication: Club Paradis
Translation: Isabelle Grynberg, Steven Tallon

M HKA would like to thank all lenders:

The Estate Of Dorothy Iannone /Air de Paris; ahlers collection; Courtesy Peres Projects, E. Righi Collection; Collection Nouveau Musée National de Monaco n° 2015.8.1; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Musée national d’art moderne / Centre de création industrielle; Nicoletta Fiorucci Collection; Sammlung Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst; Collection frac Ïle-de- France; Archivio Conz, Berlin; Collection Merino, Monaco; Fondation pour les Arts Visuels, Le Grand- Saconnex, Switzerland; WE DO NOT WORK ALONE; ANDERSCH COLLECTION/ARCHIVE in Museum Abdeiberg Mönchengladbach; Hammer Museum; SAMMLUNG ALDO FREI; Berlinische Galerie – Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur; Daniel Löwensbrück; Jean-Louis Guiramand, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience

Special thanks to: The artist Dorothy Iannone, who shared the story of her life and worked on this exhibition to the last moment of her life. Florence Bonnefous, Jan Voss, Henriëtte van Egten, Tine Colstrup, Anette and Jürgen Ruttmann


The copyrights to the images used on the main page of this website belong to The Estate Of Dorothy Iannone/ Air de Paris and Peres Projects, Berlin.

We have endeavoured to apply the legal applications regarding copyright. Whoever is nevertheless incorrectly or not mentioned, or who thinks he can still assert rights, is requested to contact the publisher.

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No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or made public, by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm, or in any other way, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

© 2023, M HKA, the authors and photographers